Téma: Arduino+Brushless Motor Problem
So I've been working with brushless motors for about 2 months now and still cant quite get the hang of controlling them from an Arduino. I originally had an arduino UNO connected to a DC motor and an encoder and it worked quite well (disregarding the fact that it was slow as hell). I decided to get a Brushless Motor/ESC combo for 60$ and did some research on controlling it from the arduino(control like a servo through servo.write). Unfortunately, when I went over a certain speed (for servo.write() it was 120 and for servo.writemilliseconds() it was 1750) the car would speed up without stopping, and we had to manually catch it every run. At first I thought it was a problem with the arduino/motor esc combo/connection and I replaced the arduino and the motor/esc with a more expensive one, and the problem was still there. I then assumed the problem came up because of the encoder, namely the interrupts, which leave the main task to add a count to the encoder and then come back, which was making the esc receive a longer delay between the HIGH and LOW signals in the servo.write command, therefore making it go faster, turn the encoder faster, and lead to a chain reaction. I decided to try the program out without the encoder, and made a new program with no interrupts, and everything was written on delays. This time, the problem was still happening, but at a higher speed. I am planning to replace the arduino UNO with a better processor (arduino DUE) but im not sure if that will fix the problem which I still dont know the exact cause of. I have a theory that the esc cant handle sudden changes in speed (straight from 100 to 140) so it freaks out, but im not sure. Does anyone know the root of this problem? Has anyone else had this problem and how have you fixed it? If you have never had this problem then what is your brushless motor-esc-arduino set up?
Please help
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
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