No měl bys k tomu mít návod nebo si ho stáhni na netu. Jestli je na reglu tlačítko, tak se to dělá třeba takhle:
1) Na vysílačce dát trim plynu do nulové polohy
2) zmáčknout a držet tlačítko na reglu nejméně 3 vteřiny (měla by začít blikat dioda)
3) dát neutrál a na reglu 1x krátce zmáčknout tlačítko
4) dát plný plyn a na reglu 1x ....
5) dát plnou zpátečku .......
hotovo tady to máč v originálu:
Set-up Procedure
1. Leave the throttle in neutral.
2. Connect the speed control to the battery.
3. Power the speed control on .
4. Press the set-up button at least 3 seconds with the
plastic screwdriver supplied.
5. The set-up LED now flashes red/green to confirm that
the unit is in set-up mode.
6. Leave the throttle in neutral and press the set-up
button again.
7. The neutral setting is now stored, and the set-up LED
lights green.
8. Move the throttle to full-throttle and press the set-up
button again.
9. The full-throttle setting is now stored, and the set-up
LED lights red.
10. Move the transmitter stick to full-brake/reverse and
press the set-up button again.
11. The full brake/reverse setting is now stored, and the
set-up red/green LED lights simultaneously 3 times.
12. Then the red/green LED stays on.
Now, your Veloci speed controller is set-up completely
and is ready to run.